Updated: 02/02/20 | February 2nd, 2020
Colombia is one of the most popular countries in South America for backpackers and travelers. In 2017 (the last year there were figures), it saw over three million visitors — three times as numerous as there were 10 years ago!
Over the past few decades, Colombia has been working hard to dispel the violent image it earned thanks to the drug cartels that once ravaged the country.
While Colombia still isn’t perfect, it’s come a long way because our parents’ generation.
Violent crimes that were once common here, such as murder and kidnapping, are no longer everyday issues for travelers. Kidnapping has declined 92% and homicides are down by 50% over the past two decades.
Slowly but surely, conditions in Colombia are improving for locals and tourists alike.
But a lot of people still ask me: is Colombia is safe?
My Experience in Colombia
10 safety suggestions for Colombia
Is Colombia safe for Solo Travelers?
Is Colombia safe for Solo female Travelers?
Is it safe to Take a Taxi in Colombia?
Is the Food safe in Colombia?
Can You drink the tap Water in Colombia?
Should You visit Colombia?
My Experience in Colombia
Before I went to Colombia, I’d heard numerous stories of petty theft. While there, I heard even more. A friend of mine had been robbed three times, the last time at gunpoint while on his way to meet me for dinner.
Locals and expats alike told me the same thing: the rumors of petty theft are true, but if you keep your wits about you, follow the rules, and don’t flash your valuables, you’ll be OK.
There’s even a local expression about it: “No dar papaya” (Don’t give papaya). Essentially, it implies that you shouldn’t have something “sweet” out in the open (a phone, computer, watch, etc.) that would make you a target. keep your valuables hidden, don’t wander around places you shouldn’t at night, don’t flash money around, avoid coming out of nightlife spots alone at night, etc. simply put: don’t put yourself in a position where people can take advantage of you.
I heeded such advice. I didn’t wear headphones in public. I didn’t take my phone out unless I was in a group or a restaurant, or completely sure no one else was around. I took just enough money with me for the day when I left my hostel. I cautioned friends about wearing flashy jewelry or watches when they visited.
But the longer you are somewhere, the much more complacent you get.
When you see locals on their phones in crowded areas, tourists toting thousand-dollar cameras, and kids wearing Airpods and Apple Watches, you begin to think, “OK, during the day, maybe it’s not so bad.”
Suddenly, you step out of a café with your phone out without even thinking about it.
You’re giving papaya.
And someone wants to take it.
Which is how I ended up getting mugged and knifed. (Som v poriadku.)
This was also just a matter of being unlucky and not particular to Colombia. A wrong-time-wrong-place situation. It could have happened to me anywhere where I didn’t follow the safety guidelines that help you reduce risk.
The experience reminded me of why you can’t get complacent. I gave papaya. I shouldn’t have had my phone out. It didn’t matter the time of day. That’s the guideline in Colombia. keep your valuables hidden. (Especially in Bogotá, which does have a higher rate of petty crime than elsewhere in the country.) I didn’t follow the advice.
And I got unlucky because of it. I’d been having my phone out too often and, with each non-incident, I grew much more and much more relaxed. I kept dropping my guard.
What happened was unlucky, but it didn’t need to happen if I had followed the rules.
This is why people cautioned me to be careful.
So, if you follow the rules, you’re unlikely to have a problem. All those events I talked about earlier? All involved people breaking the ironclad “no dar papaya” guideline and either having something important out or walking alone late at night in areas where they shouldn’t have.
I’m not going to let this freak event change my view of such an incredible country. I’d go back to Colombia the same way I’d get in a car after a car accident. In fact, I was awfully upset to leave. I was having an incredible time. I still love Bogotá. I still have plans to go back to Colombia.
Colombia is amazing.
Learn from my mistake. Not only for when you visit Colombia but when you travel in general.
10 safety suggestions for Colombia
You can’t get complacent in Colombia. once you do, bad things happen. You have to stay vigilant. To help you stay safe during your trip, here are a few suggestions you’ll want to keep in mind as you travel around the country:
1. stay somewhere with 24-hour safety and security – You always want someone around in case you need assistance. many hostels and hotels have safety and security cameras or guards. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, don’t hesitate to relocation on. This way you always have someone to hovoriť v prípade, že sa niečo pokazí.
2. Nebajte na svoje veci, keď ste vonku a okolo – nechajte telefón mimo dohľadu a nenoste žiadne šperky ani hodinky. Ak potrebujete používať telefón, urobte to dovnútra a nie na ulici. Tu sa ľudia dostávajú do najväčších problémov. Takto som sa dostal do problémov. Dajte všetko preč, aby ste nevynikali.
3. V noci necestujte sami – skúste ísť s ostatnými cestujúcimi, ak idete v noci. Ak plánujete ísť von alebo na večierok neskoro, nezabudnite si vziať Uber domov alebo nechať niekoho zavolať taxíkom. Nechodte sami naozaj neskoro v noci.
4. Naučte sa nejaké španielsky – dokonca aj niekoľko fráz vám môže pomôcť v prípade núdze. Stiahnite si španielčinu na prekladateľ Google, takže ho máte aj offline, len pre prípad.
5. Stiahnite si offline mapu mesta – Mať mapu bude užitočné v prípade straty a potrebujete sa sprevádzať (alebo taxikára) späť do vášho ubytovania. Ak používate telefón v noci, nezabudnite ho používať na uliciach.
6. Nerobte drogy – kartely s drogami túto krajinu ochromili. Nepodporujte ich nákupom drog. Miestni obyvatelia sa to nepáčia, pretože drogy tak zničili krajinu a robili to ešte viac zmrzačení krajiny. Je to naozaj neúctivé. Okrem toho sa zapojenie do drog zvyšuje vaše šance na problémy. Robiť tu aj drogy je nezákonné a vy nechcete skončiť v kolumbijskom väzení.
7. Udržujte svoje cennosti oddelene – nikdy ich všetky nesieme dohromady. Keď idete na deň, zanechajte v ubytovaní nejaké karty na kreditné správy a hotovosť. Ak tak stratíte peňaženku, budete mať v hosteli stále hotovosť a karty. Tiež si ponechajte nejaké núdzové fondy aj vo svojom hlavnom batohu, len pre prípad.
8. Ak sa stane najhoršie, jednoducho dajte útočníkovi svoje veci – odovzdanie vecí je oveľa lepšie ako riskovať alternatívu (verte mi). Ak máte cestovné poistenie, budete môcť dostať náhradu (nezabudnite uložiť všetky svoje príjmy).
9. Stiahnite si aplikáciu Prey do svojho telefónu a notebooku – ak sa niektoré zariadenie ukradne, za malý poplatok ju budete môcť sledovať a diaľkovo zapnúť svoju videokameru, aby ste vyfotografovali zlodej (môžete tiež vymazať údaje a správu zlodejovi tiež). Aplikácia je úplne zadarmo na stiahnutie a stojí iba 5 USD za ďalšiu podporu, ktorú by ste mali okradnúť.
10. Nákup cestovného poistenia – Ak sa niečo pokazí, chcete si byť istí, že ste krytí a niekto má chrbát. Cestovné poistenie vám môže pomôcť nájsť lekárske ošetrenie a poskytnúť vám peniaze na nákup náhrady za to, čo bolo ukradnuté. Vždy je lepšie byť v bezpečí ako ľúto, najmä v krajine, kde je drobný zločin stále problémom.
Odporúčame World Nomads pre cestujúcich mladších ako 70 rokov, zatiaľ čo moja cesta je najlepšou voľbou pre cestujúcich nad 70 rokov.
Viac informácií o poistení Tarvel nájdete v týchto príspevkoch:
Čo vlastne pokryje cestovné poistenie?
7 najlepších cestovných spoločností v roku 2019
Ako kúpiť najlepšie cestovné poistenie
Plánujete výlet do Južnej Ameriky?
Získajte všetky moje najlepšie návrhy na cestovanie do Južnej Ameriky, ako aj úplne bezplatný nástroj na plánovanie, ktorý obsahuje mojich 61 najlepších cestovných tipov, obľúbených spoločností, kontrolný zoznam plánovania krok za krokom a sprievodca, ako získať úplne bezplatné lety!
Pošlite mi moje tipy!
Je teda Kolumbia bezpečná pre samostatných cestujúcich?
Kolumbia je bezpečná pre samostatných cestujúcich. Aj keď je drobný zločin stále problémom, pokiaľ nebudete vychvaľovať svoje cennosti, pravdepodobne sa nebudete stretnúť s problémami. Keď idete von, vezmite si to, čo potrebujete na deň, a nechajte svoje cennosti v hosteli alebo hotelovej izbe.
Ak sa necítite pohodlne, skúste sa stretnúť s ostatnými cestujúcimi, aby ste mohli preskúmať spolu. Týmto spôsobom nikdy nebudete sami a vyhnete sa cieľu pre vrecká a drobných zločincov.
V noci sa uistite, že nikdy necestujete sami a že ste vopred naplánovali svoju jazdu domov. Nedávajte sa do útržkovitých kabín. avoid wandering around non-touristy areas at night and alone.
Počas dňa alebo na verejných miestach som sa v krajine nikdy necítil v krajine. You’ll see locals with phones out and, generally, going about their life. It’s really at night that you have to be careful.
Is Colombia safe for Solo female Travelers?
While solo female travelers will want to take some extra precautions in Colombia, the country ought to certainly still be under consideration.
Whenever possible, avoid traveling alone — especially at night or in areas where there are not numerous people. Don’t flaunt any valuables, and avoid taking taxis alone at night. always have a downloaded map and translator so you can find your way home or ask for help if you need it.
By taking some precautions and planning accordingly, solo female travelers will be able to have a gratifying time traveling Colombia. just make sure to follow the guidance and suggestions above!
Here are a couple of helpful messages on safety written by our solo female travel experts:
How to stay safe as a Solo female Traveler
8 myths about Solo female travel Debunked
10 common Qsestions about Solo female Travel
Is it safe to Take a Taxi in Colombia?
Taxis are safe here, but always make sure you call your taxi in advance. never get into a random vehicle. even if it looks like a taxi, it might not be one. It’s always better to play it safe.
Get your hostel or accommodation to call a cab for you, or download a taxi app (Uber is in Medellín, Cali, and Bogotá) so you can purchase your own. avoid taking taxis at night as well (especially as a solo female traveler).
Is the Food safe in Colombia?
The food in Colombia is quite safe. just make sure to avoid any food that’s been sitting out in the sun all day. look for places with lots of patrons — that’s how you can tell the food is fresh and delicious.
Also, make sure any fruit you eat has a peel to avoid it getting contaminated.
If you’re a vegetarian or have other dietary concerns, you might be hard pressed to find food here, as many dishes are meat-based. learn some basic phrases (or download Google Translate) to help you ask questions and find foods suitable for your diet.
Lastly, always wash your hands before you eat. That’s the best way to avoid getting sick!
Can You drink the tap Water in Colombia?
While improvements in water treatment are coming along, you can’t really drink the water outside of Bogotá and Medellín.
I’d suggest you travel with a Lifestraw or Steripen so you can purify water no matter where you are. That will help you save money and decrease your reliance on single-use plastic. double win!
Should You visit Colombia?
So, is Colombia safe?
While petty theft is a growing concern, the country has so much to offer the intrepid traveler. There is incredible nature, dynamic cities, a fun nightlife, and a growing community of entrepreneurs and digital nomads who call Colombia home.
It’s cheap and easy to navigate, and as long as you follow your instincts and use common sense, you will avoid trouble.
Even if you’re a solo female traveler, Colombia still has a lot to offer.
So, while my personal experience in Colombia didn’t end well, I am certainly planning on going back.
Because it’s just too incredible a place not to visit.
Just be sure to get travel insurance just in case something goes wrong. The past is not prologue and you always want to play it safe. travel insurance was there when I lost my bag, broke my camera, and got knifed in Colombia. I never expected those things to happen and was happy I had insurance! You can use the widget below to look up the travel insurance policy that is best for you (or just click here to go to their site directly):
cestovné poistenie. easy & Flexible.
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