THE best tour companies IN MOROCCO

Posted: 1/6/22 | January 6th, 2022

The undulating sand dunes. The camel rides. The hikes through the Atlas Mountains. The bustling medinas. The couscous-laced dishes. The seemingly endless mint tea. And, of course, the super friendly and welcoming people. Morocco will change and challenge you.

It can be sensory overload at times, but it’s well worth your time and money to get yourself to Morocco. I fell in love with it as soon as I arrived.

It’s not always easy to get around this country of 37 million people. For new travelers, Morocco’s up-close and personal nature can be a challenge. The country is a battery on your senses and, for those without a lot of travel experience, that can be overwhelming, which is why jumping on an organized tour might be one of the best ways to see it for the first time.

I took the two-week best of Morocco tour with Intrepid Travel, which was a blast and a terrific primer. While I loved my tour (it’s an incredible company!), it isn’t the only option. There are other good travel companies that can take you around the countryside and to all the greatest sites of this wonderful nation.

Here are some of the best tour companies in Morocco to help you plan your trip:

1. Intrepid

Intrepid is my favorite multiday, small-group tour operator out there (with which I went to Morocco, Jordan, and Madagascar). I always have an incredible time on its tours. I really love the guides, off-the-beaten-track itineraries, and commitment to the local community.

Intrepid also is environmentally friendly, uses local guides and transportation, doesn’t rush the tours, and is quite economical (tours start for as little as $383 and go up to $7,600 per person, based on the tour and the length of time). The tours get a good mix of young and older travelers and balance being both fun and educational. You learn a lot without it feeling boring. I can’t recommend it enough!

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-> Click here to learn more about Intrepid!

2. Nomadic Tours

This company has been leading travelers around the sand dunes, narrow streets, medinas, and mosques of Morocco for close to two decades. One nice thing about Nomadic tours is that it will never cancel the tour if enough people don’t sign up. just two people? The tour is still on! It also doesn’t charge you a single supplement if you’re solo.

The company offers the usual highlight tours, but also ones aimed at teen travelers, families, and hikers (for example, there’s an 11-day trekking trip with Berbers in the Atlas Mountains). There are a dozen on offer, ranging from 5 to 15 days, using local guides.

Tours range from $600 to $1,600 per person.

-> Click here to learn more about Nomadic Tours!

3. Wandering Earl Tours

My pal Earl from Wandering Earl runs an epic tour across Morocco. Over the course of 14 days, you’ll see all the highlights, spend time with Berber and Bedouin communities, and take a 4WD adventure over barren sand dunes. His tours are small (they’re capped at 12 people) and they also offer single supplements for anyone wanting a private room (for an additional cost). like me, Earl has been traveling the world for over a decade and knows what makes a good tour. You can’t go wrong with his company.

Wandering Earl’s 14-day wander across Morocco tour costs $3,150.

-> Click here to learn more about Wandering Earl Tours!

4. culture Morocco Tours

This operator offers tours from various cities in Morocco. So, if you’re based in, say, Marrakech or Fes or Tangier or Casablanca, you can jump on a two-day or weeklong tour of another part of the country. There are also tours lasting up to 30 days, so chances are there’s an itinerary that suits your needs.

The company also offers private tours. While that might not be as cheap, you’ll be able to plan the trip exactly as you see fit. This is a terrific option for independent travelers who want the flexibility of designing their own expedition but the comfort and safety of going with a company.

-> Click here to learn more about culture Morocco Tours!

5. mountain Bike Morocco

This company only does bike tours: road bikes, mountain bikes, and e-bikes. most are moderately challenging, so you’ll need to be in decent shape. However, you don’t need to be a professional cyclist — beginners are welcome!

Pedal through valleys in the mountains and stop in remote Berber villages to chat with the locals. Or do a nine-day bike expedition from the fabled Atlas Mountains to the coast. It also offers several single-day tours in case you just want to add in a day of biking to your existing itinerary. These day trips are easy or mildly difficult and suitable for beginners too.

-> Click here to learn more about mountain Bike Morocco!

6. TBA Escapes

My pal Kiersten from The Blonde Abroad created this bespoke tour company that organizes all-female touRs okolo zemegule. Ich Maroko Tour je neuveriteľne populárne a predáva zakaždým. Zahŕňa výstrahu na kultové modré mesto Chefchaouena, ukladanie v púšti, pohodlné pobyty v miestnych Riads a Hotely, a dokonca aj horúci Air Balloon Ride! Ak ste žena cestovateľ, ktorý chce zažiť Maroko vo veľkom štýle, toto je Tour pre vás.

-> Kliknite tu a dozviete sa viac o TBA Escapes!

Každý, kto viem, kto bol, aby sa Maroko chce vrátiť. Je to len jedna z tých krajín, ktoré vám prichádza, ohromujú vaše zmysly s rozľahlými zlatými dunami a rušným, labyrinthine trhy.

To však môže byť náročné miesto na kontrolu – ten, ktorý občas testuje vaša trpezlivosť – čo je dôvod, prečo je návšteva Maroko na turné je úžasná možnosť pre nových cestovateľov.

POZNÁMKA EDÍTA: Išiel som do Maroka s nižšou cestou na ich najlepšie z Maroka Tour. Bola to súčasťou môjho prebiehajúceho partnerstva s neohláseným cestovaním. Zaujímali náklady na turné, letu a jedlá.

Rezervujte si výlet do Maroko: Logistické tipy a triky
Rezervujte si let
Použite Skyscanner alebo Momondo nájsť lacný let. Sú to moje dve obľúbené vyhľadávače, pretože vyhľadávajú webové stránky a letecké spoločnosti na celom svete, takže vždy viete, že žiadny kameň zostane nechutný. Začnite najprv Skyscanner, pretože majú najväčší dosah!

Rezervujte si ubytovanie
Môžete si rezervovať ubytovňu s Hostelworld, pretože majú najväčší inventár a najlepšie ponuky. Ak chcete zostať niekde iné ako hostel, použite, pretože neustále vracia najlacnejšie sadzby pre penzióny a lacné hotely.

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás ochráni pred chorobou, zranením, krádežou a zrušením. Je to komplexná ochrana v prípade, že sa niečo pokazí. Nikdy nechodím na výlet bez toho, ako som musel používať mnohokrát v minulosti. Moje obľúbené spoločnosti, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšiu službu a hodnotu, sú:

Bezpečnostné krídlo (pre každého menej ako 70)

Poistiť moju cestu (pre osoby nad 70)

Medjet (pre dodatočné pokrytie repatriácie)

Hľadáte najlepšie spoločnosti, aby ušetrili peniaze?
Pozrite sa na stránku Moje zdroje pre najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré sa majú použiť pri cestovaní. Zoznam všetkých tých, ktoré používam, aby som ušetril peniaze, keď som na ceste. Ušetria vám peniaze, keď cestujete.

Chcete viac informácií o Maroku?
Uistite sa, že sa pozrite na náš robustný cieľový sprievodca na Maroko pre ešte viac tipov, ako naplánovať svoju návštevu!

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