Fukuoka, je názov hlavného mesta a prefektúry. Tento cestovný sprievodca Fukuoka sa zameriava hlavne na mesto Fukuoka, ale obsahuje aj ďalšie miesta v prefektúre, ku ktorým je možné ľahko získať prístup z hlavného mesta. Zahŕňa tiež odporúčania hotela Fukuoka a výletov, itinerár Fukuoka a ďalšie cestovné tipy.
Fukuoka je mesto, ktoré často prehliadam. A to naznačujem oveľa viac ako jedným spôsobom.
Moja sestra už nejaký čas žije v Hirošime. Zatiaľ čo Hirošima má svoje vlastné letisko, najdostupnejším spôsobom, ako sa tam dostať z Filipín, letí do Fukuoka. Túto cestu som urobil mnohokrát. Najdlhšie však bol jediný pohľad, ktorý som mal z Fukuoka, cez okno lietadla alebo vlak, nikdy zblízka. Fukuoka nikdy nebol mojím cieľom, len miestom, kde som prešiel. To až do tohto roku, keď som sa rozhodol konečne zastaviť a zistiť, čo mesto ponúka.
Ukázalo sa, že Fukuoka je vynikajúca. A to naznačujem oveľa viac ako jedným spôsobom.
Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?
Pochopenie Fukuoka
Najlepší čas na návštevu Fukuoka
Ako sa dostať do Fukuokamanily do Fukuoka
Letisko Fukuoka do centra mesta City
Fukuoka vrecko wifi
Ako sa obísť Fukuokafukuoka prechádza
Train Pass pre Fukuoka + Hirošima
Train Pass pre Fukuoka + ďalšie mestá v Kyushu
Celonárodný JR Pass?
Čo robiť pri výlete Fukuokafukuoka
Tradičná japonská nákupná prehliadka
Street Shopping Tour
Historické turné Hakata
Miesta na návštevu vo Fukuoka Prefectureyanagawa Rieka plavba
Chrám nanzoin a skľučujúci Buddha
Záhrada Kawachi Wisteria
Kvetinový park na ostrove Nokonoshima
Ruiny hradu Fukuoka a park Ohhori
Canal City Hakata
Kde zostať vo Fukuokatop Fukuoka Hotels Hotels pod ¥ 6000
Vyhľadajte oveľa viac hotelov Fukuoka
Itinerár Fukuoka
Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa fukuokais fukuoka v bezpečí?
Aká je politika naklápania v Japonsku?
Ako dlho je odporúčaný pobyt vo Fukuoke?
Potrebujem vízum na návštevu Fukuoka?
Viac návrhov na stránkach YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:
Pochopenie Fukuoka
Priznávam, že najdôležitejší dôvod, prečo som chcel konečne preskúmať Fukuoka, sa dá hláskovať piatimi písmenami: Ramen. Sath. Práve to píšem. (Prepáčte za mentálny obraz.) Ale je to pravda. Ramen je pre mňa druhým najväčším prínosom Japonska k ľudstvu. (Ďalej len anime, samozrejme, haha.) Nechápem, prečo mi trvalo tak dlho, kým som Fukuoku venoval nejakej láske a pozornosti.
Pre mnohých je Fukuoka hlavným mestom Ramen na svete a miestom narodenia najuznávanejšieho Tonkotsu Ramena, známy pre svoj bravčový vývar na bravčovej kosti. Vo Fukuoka a Kyushu všeobecne je Tonkotsu synonymom Hakaty Ramen, pomenovanej po centrálnom oddelení mesta.
Hakata bola sama osebe. V roku 1889 sa však spojil so susedom Fukuoka, súčasným Tenjinom, aby vytvoril väčšie prefektúrne hlavné mesto. Dnes sú Hakata a Tenjin dve oddelenia, ktoré tvoria centrum mesta, kde sa vyskytuje mnoho akcií. Obaja sú rozdelení riekou. Stanica Hakata si zachováva svoje meno a je železničná stanica centrail vo Fukuoke.
Jedna vec, ktorú som zistil o Fukuoke, je to, že hoci je nepochybne moderná, pohybuje sa jemným a nezvratným tempom. Vďaka tomu je Fukuoka ideálnou voľbou pre cestujúcich, ktorí idú prvýkrát do Japonska, alebo ideálnou prvou zastávkou pri multi-mestskom výlete okolo súostrovia.
Ďalšie informácie, ktoré potrebujete vedieť:
Jazyk: Japonsko (Nihongo). Väčšina miestnych obyvateľov zriedka hovoria anglicky, ale mnohé znaky a iné propagačné materiály cestujúci majú anglické preklady.
Mena: Japonský jeen (JPY, ¥). JPY 1000 je okolo 9 USD, 7,7 EUR, SGD12,3, PHP 479 (od júla 2018).
Režimy platby: Mnoho zariadení vyberá hotovostnú platbu, ale mnohé z nich tiež prijímajú transakcie kariet na kreditné správy.
Informácie o elektrine: 100 V, 50/60 Hz. Zadajte zásuvky A. Zátky majú dva ploché kolíky. V niektorých prípadoch sa používa typ B, ale nie také bežné.
Najlepší čas na návštevu Fukuoka
Od októbra do novembra sa uvažuje o všetkých veciach. Tieto mesiace sa tešia z príjemného a suchého počasia, ideálne na prehliadku prehliadok. Október je vtedy, keď teploty začnú klesať na priemer 18,8 ° C. Je to tiež najmenej populárne medzi turistami, vďaka čomu je skúmanie oveľa menej stresujúce.
Graf s láskavým dovolením Svetovej banky
Ak vám nevadí chlad, zimná sezóna je tiež dobrou voľbou. Teplota môže klesať na priemer 5,2 ° C, ale tiež vidí najnižšie úrovne zrážok. Pokiaľ ide o cestovný ruch, je to druhá najrušnejšia sezóna, najmä od januára februára.
Letné mesiace júna-august sú najrušnejšie, najhorúcejšie a najdrahšie.
Ako sa dostať do Fukuoka
Letisko Fukuoka (FUK) je primárnou bránou do mesta Fukuoka a všeobecne ostrov Kyushu. Je to štvrté najrušnejšie japonské letisko (vedľa Haneda, Narita a Kansai) a je spojené s prakticky každým ďalším letiskom v krajine.
Manila do Fukuoka
Najdostupnejšie celoročné cestovné pre Manila-Fukuoka poskytuje Cebu Pacific, ktorý letí každé utorok, Thursday, and Sunday. travel time is 3 hours, 55 minutes.
This can still go much lower when there’s a SEAT SALE. because it’s not as popular as other Japanese destinations like Osaka and Tokyo, there are typically much more promotion seats on Fukuoka flights and less competition. It’s just much simpler to snag promotion fares for Fukuoka.
Fukuoka airport to City Center
The good news is: Fukuoka airport is within the city. Hakata Station, which is the most significant and the central train station in the city, is only around 5 minutes by subway or 15 minutes by taxi. There are also a lot of hotels in the Tenjin area. Tenjin station is just 12 minutes away by subway.
The bad news is: The domestic and international terminals are housed in two separate buildings located on either side of the runway. The fastest way to reach the city center is the subway, but only the domestic terminal has a subway station.
No worries, though. There is a totally free airport bus service that ferries passengers from the international to the domestic terminal. other modes of transportation are also available to reach the city center.
If reaching the international Terminal, you need to take the totally free shuttle bus to the domestic terminal first.
Go to Bus stop 1 and wait for a bus.
Alight at domestic terminal 2, the last stop, where the subway station is located.
Go down to the underground level and get a ticket.
Take the Kuko Line for Meinohama or Chikuzemmaebaru.
Alight at Hakata Station, which is only 2 stops away. travel time: 5 minutes. Fare: ¥260.
If you’re going to Tenjin Station, it’s 3 stops away. travel time: 12 minutes. Fare: ¥260.
The bus is the most affordable way to reach the city center.
Get a ticket from a ticket machine. even if you method the manned counter, you’ll be pointed to the ticket machine.
Go to Bus stop #2.
If going to Hakata Station, ride the City Bus (Nishitetsu bus). This bus also stops in Tenjin. travel time to Hakata Station: 15-20 minutes. Fare: ¥260 (Hakata), ¥310 (Tenjin).
– If your hotel is closer to Tenjin City Hall or Canal City Hakata, go to Bus stop #4 and take the royal Bus. travel time: around 30 minutes.
Surprisingly, taking the taxi from the airport to the city center isn’t as expensive as I thought. If you’re a group of 3, this is a compelling choice, especially if you have heavy luggage in tow.
Here are the typical rates:
Fukuoka airport to Hakata Station: ¥1200
Fukuoka airport to Tenjin-minami: ¥1580
Fukuoka airport to Tenjin Station: ¥1830
Hakata station to Tenjin-minami: ¥1080
Fukuoka vrecko wifi
Image offered by Klook
Because of the language barrier, having a good Internet connection in Fukuoka can help save you time and money. You will want this with you to get around: when navigating, using Hyperdia and Google maps, converting yen to your currency, and translating signs.
Klook’s limitless 4G LTE pocket wifi service is a convenient option because you can pick it up at Fukuoka airport and return it at practically any major airport in Japan. It also uses Softbank, which I have found to be reliable. It can also connect up to 14 devices, which implies you can split the cost with a group. here are much more bits about it:
Unlimited 4G LTE and 3G data
Wide coverage all over Japan
No deposit required
Can connect up to 14 devices
Battery life: 9 hours
Return at any other major airport in Japan (see list)
The only problem is, it sells out fast. So if you have a scheduled trip to Japan, reserve it as early as you can.
✅ check rates or RESERVE HERE
HOW TO get around FUKUOKA
Most essential traveler spots in Fukuoka are available by subway. If you’ve traveled to Japan before, you’ll have no problem exploring Fukuoka. It’s pretty much the same.
If it’s your first time in Japan, it is essential to be familiar with how to use the train. One thing that has proven helpful to me again and again is Hyperdia. It’s a web-based search engine that would tell you train schedules and routes instantly. just make sure you know the nearest train station to your destination and let Hyperdia do the rest.
Don’t worry. In the places to visit (Things to Do) section below, I’m indicating the station closest to each attraction.
For much more information on how to use Hyperdia and Japan’s train system, read: how TO use HYPERDIA.
Fukuoka Passes
If you’re staying within Fukuoka City only and you’re taking public transportation multiple times a day, get one of the following passes:
Fukuoka traveler City Pass, which will enable you limitless rides on buses, trains, and subways around the city (except Nishitetsu Train). Valid for 1 day. Price: ¥820 for adults and ¥410 for children.
1-Day subway Pass, which will allow you limitless rides on any Fukuoka City subway routes (Kuko Line, Hakozaki Line, and Nanakuma Line). subway only, buses excluded. Valid only for 1 day, on the day of purchase. Price: ¥620 for adults and ¥310 for children.
2 dnisubway Pass, which will allow you limitless rides on any Fukuoka City subway routes (Kuko Line, Hakozaki Line, and Nanakuma Line). subway only, buses excluded. Valid for 2 days starting on the day of first use. Price: ¥720 for adults and ¥360 for children.
Note that these are not valid on JR lines.
If you think none of these passes are for you but you don’t want to fall in line or get a ticket each time you use public transportation, you can use HAYAKAKEN instead. HAYAKAKEN is an IC card similar to ICOCA, SUICA or PASMO. All you need to do is hover the card upon entry to the subway station or bus and you’re good to go.
All these passes are available at the following spots among others:
Hakata station traveler information Center
Fukuoka airport Bus Terminals and information Desk
Hakata Port international terminal general information Counter
Tenjin traveler information Center
Train Pass pre Fukuoka + Hirošima
If you plan on exploring multiple destinations with Hiroshima Prefecture and Yamaguchi Prefecture and coming in through Fukuoka, consider the JR Hiroshima Yamaguchi area Pass. This will enable you to get limitless access to designated JR trains (including shinkansen) and bus lines within Hiroshima and Yamaguchi. This also covers shinkansen rides to and from Fukuoka (Hakata) and ferry ride to Miyajima.
If your trip is only 5 days, this is a good deal. The shinkansen ride from Hakata station (Fukuoka) to Hiroshima alone is already over ¥8000, one way. but this pass costs only ¥11,000 and it gives you much more.
Price: ¥11,000
Validity: 5 days
✅ RESERVE A discounted PASS!
Train Pass pre Fukuoka + ďalšie mestá v Kyushu
If you plan on going to multiple destinations on Kyushu Island aside from Fukuoka City, it may be wise to get a JR Kyushu Rail Pass. There are 3 types available: the southern Kyushu Pass, the northern Kyushu Pass, and the ALL Kyushu Rail Pass. only the last 2 cover Fukuoka.
JR northern Kyushu Rail Pass, which covers the northern cities of the island including Fukuoka. available in 3-day and 5-day versions.
ALL Kyushu Rail Pass, which gives you limitless access to the JR rail network within the island, north and south included. available in 3-day and 5-day versions.
✅ check rates or RESERVE HERE!
Celonárodný JR Pass?
If you’re going to Fukuoka ONLY, you don’t need a JR Pass. It’s only for those who will make multiple long-distance journeys.
When is it wise to purchase a JR Pass? If you’re going to multiple cities in Japan and you’re staying for at least 7 days. If your schedule is much more like that, purchase a pass before your trip. Klook provides the most affordable JR Passes available. If you live in the Philippines, the pass will be delivered to you in 7 days.
✅ check JR PASS rates HERE
Fukuoka is easy to explore, and numerous of the attractions can be accessed DIY-style. However, it would be great if you join guided trips in purchase to have better understanding and greater appreciation of each stop instead of just gawking at it.
Having a guide implies having much more info not just about the history of the places you visit but also insights into the way of life in the city.
Most trips begin at Hakata Station.
Fukuoka Food trip
Fukuoka’s most significant draw: FOOD! Fukuoka is the ramen capital of the world and the birthplace of the very yummy tonkotsu ramen!
On top of that, while the rest of Japan isn’t big on street food, Fukuoka embraces it big time, as apparent in the popularity of yatai here.
A yatai (屋台) is a mobile food cart or stand stationed on the sidewalk. It typically opens in the early evening and closes in early morning. much more than half of all the yatai in Japan can be found in Fukuoka. many of them sell ramen, but other stalls offer a variety of other dishes like hotpot, yakitori, and seafood. There’s even one that serves French delicacies like escargot with wine!
We’ve created a separate post for it! read it here: WHERE TO eat cheap IN FUKUOKA.
Tradičná japonská nákupná prehliadka
Image offered by Klook
Hakata has always been an eclectic trading city. numerous of the