Our place Independent Lifestyle: What Does It Cost?

before going into detail about exactly how much our way of life costs us each month, it’s most likely a great concept to talk about what being place independent really means! This is a term that we very first heard about a couple of years ago, as well as is one that we believe fits our way of life perfectly. Here’s exactly how Wikipedia explains place independence:

“A place independent expert – or digital nomad – uses new innovation to style a way of life that enables them to online as well as work anywhere they want – be it from home, the Web cafe, on the beach, or even from the other side of the world.”

Yep, that absolutely seems like us!

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This is what a lunch break in the Caribbean looks like!
Nick as well as I have been fortunate sufficient to online as well as work abroad for three years now. Our very first task was teaching English in China, as well as during our time teaching, we were able to work on this travel blog as well as produce articles. We understood that our true place self-reliance would not only come from teaching, however from composing about our travels – that was our true passion.

Since leaving China in July, 2013, we have lived off of an earnings earned solely from our website, as well as different chances that have arisen (and continue to arise) from it. The money we make monthly is sufficient to online comfortably, travel when we want to, as well as put some money in the bank. We’ve lived as well as worked on the internet in a few countries now: Grenada for a overall of 10 months, Mexico for 2 months, as well as Guatemala for 2 months.

Working at a awesome coffee shop in Guanajuato, Mexico
Our travel style has altered considering that we ended up being severe about our website, as well as we absolutely travel at a slower speed these days. Not only does snail travel enable us to immerse ourselves additionally into the cities as well as cultures that we’re exploring, however it enables us the time we requirement to be able to work on different partnerships, service campaigns as well as freelance writing.

The costs of living this laptop way of life vary depending upon which country, city or part of the world we are in. However, we try to keep our monthly costs to around $1,500 USD for the both of us. You would believe that our monthly expenses would be substantially less when we are getting complimentary lodging from house/pet sitting, however that just isn’t the situation as we’ve accepted jobs that are in countries with higher living costs (Grenada as well as Costa Rica).

Living in Costa Rica wasn’t cheap, however it was worth it to take care of Jack!
Here’s an quote of where our money goes each month, damaged down into the countries we’ve spent a considerable amount of time living in:

(All costs are provided in us Dollars)

Living in Grenada – Monthly Expenses

Accommodation costs (Oceanfront Home)
$0.00 (Pet-Sitting)

Utility Costs
$0.00 (Included)

Cooking Gas

House Cleaner


Restaurant / Entertainment

Alcohol at Home

Pitná voda
$0.00 (Water is risk-free to Drink)

Transport (Car included)
$76.00 in Petrol

Phone / Wi-Fi
$7.52 (Cell Phone Pay-As-You-Go)

Total Costs

If we had to pay for lodging while living in Grenada, our costs would be much higher, as a fundamental apartment or condo would expense around $600 / month. Being able to home / pet sit in Grenada has been genuinely an amazing experience, as well as this will be our digital nomad base for 5 – 6 months of the year. We are able to online off of approximately $1,500 each month, which includes living a quite extravagant way of life full of online music nights, eating at restaurants, enjoying cheese as well as white wine platters, as well as being able to check out the island.

Sunset from one of the gorgeous houses we take care of in Grenada
For a lot more on living in Grenada, inspect out:

The expense of Living in Grenada

Living in Grenada: Our Life in Photos

61 incredible things To perform in Grenada

Introducing Grenada: A Drive around The Island of Spice 

Living in San Pancho, Mexico – Monthly costs

Accommodation costs (2 Bedroom, 2-Level Apartment)

Utility Costs
$0.00 (Included in Rent)

Groceries / Drinking Water

Restaurant / Entertainment

$0 around town (Walked), $9.60 Bus to next town (4 Return Trips)

Phone / Wi-Fi

Extras (Pilates class, golfing, celebration costs)

Total Costs

During our two months in the bit west coastline town of San Pancho, we had 5 sets of household members come as well as go to us! To naznačovalo, že sme strávili oveľa viac peňazí ako obvykle za aktivity, jedenie v reštauráciách, ako aj oslavy! Navyše sme tam žili počas Vianoc aj na Nový rok, takže sme utratili oveľa viac peňazí na oslavy, ako aj na udalosti, ako je obvyklé.

Naše mesačné náklady počas nášho času stráveného v živote v San Pancho mohli byť podstatne dostupnejšie, ako je uvedené vyššie, a absolútne by to bolo, keby to boli len tí dvaja, ktorí žili náš typický životný štýl.

Nižšia úroveň nášho bytu alebo bytu v San Pancho.
Pre oveľa viac na bývaní v San Pancho, skontrolujte:

Nájdenie bytu alebo bytu v San Pancho v Mexiku

Predstavujeme San Pancho

15 vecí, ktoré treba vidieť, ako aj vystupovať v San Pancho

Život na jazere Atitlan, Guatemala – mesačné výdavky

Náklady na ubytovanie (Lakefront, 2-úroveň bytu)
550,00 dolárov

0,00 dolárov (vrátane)

Plyn na varenie, ako aj horúca voda
36,00 dolárov

Čistič domu
0,00 dolárov (vrátane)

517,00 dolárov

Reštaurácia / alkohol / zábava
114,00 dolárov

Pitná voda (päť 18 l fliaš)
13,00 dolárov

48,32 dolárov (lode a tuk-tuks)

Telefón / Wi-Fi
6,50 USD (mobilný telefón sa platí ako-you go)

Celkové náklady
1 284,00 dolárov

Naše životné náklady v Guatemale boli extrémne nízke, najmä premýšľanie o tom, že sme museli platiť za naše ubytovanie! S týmto rozpočtom sa nám podarilo cestovať do ďalších dedín okolo jazera, ísť na kajaku, ako aj prebudenie, ako aj jesť / piť veľa. Rovnako ako úprimne, tento pohľad z nášho bytu alebo bytu bol na nezaplatenie!

Pohľad z nášho bytu alebo bytu na jazere Atitlan v Guatemale.
Pre oveľa viac o živote na jazere Atitlan, Guatemala, skontrolujte:

Výdavky na bývanie na jazere Atitlan v Guatemale

Cestovanie do jazera Atitlan, sprievodca do dedín

Exkurzia našej jazera Casita pri jazere Atitlan

Nemôžeme uveriť presne, ako nás to stojí na online v zahraničí, najmä keď veríme, koľko peňazí sme strávili mesačne počas bývania v Kanade – naša pôžička na bývanie bola viac ako 1 500 USD mesačne! Okrem toho existovali nákladné účty za potraviny, náklady na energie, údržbu automobilov, plyn, poistenie, obytnú alebo komerčnú nehnuteľnosť, poplatky za byt, atď.

Zistili sme, že sme strávili okolo 3 675 USD / mesiac v Kanade iba na potreby! To nezahŕňa vôbec žiadny druh potešenia. To je to, čo sme potrebovali online v dome, jesť, platiť výdavky, ako aj každý deň, ako aj z práce.

Keďže sme sa nakoniec stali nezávislými a pracovali na našich webových stránkach, boli sme schopní online, ako aj cestovať v tropických krajinách, ponoriť sa do mesta, ktoré navštevujeme, a online spôsob života našich snov. Stravovanie, pitie, hranie, bývanie, cestovanie, kontrolovanie, ako aj sedenie domácich miláčikov, všetko za menej ako náklady na naše nájomné/hypotéku v Kanade. Teraz je to veľa!

Vodopády Royal Carmel v Grenade.

Preto o tejto téme neustále píšeme a snažíme sa vás ovplyvniť, aby sme premýšľali o tomto alternatívnom životnom štýle. As always, we’re not trying to boast about this life, we’re just trying to shed some light on the truth of what it costs to live abroad as well as exactly how enlightening the experience can be.

There are lots of locations in the world where the dollar / pound / euro etc. will go much additionally as well as life is a lot more relaxed. This style of living definitely isn’t for everybody as well as we don’t presume that, however if you’re reading this article, we will assume that you are seeking to try something new.

This will be our method of life for the foreseeable future as well as we invite you to join us! In our minds, it’s $1,500 per month well spent ?

For a lot more info on place Independence, inspect out these articles:

7 reasons Why We like The place Independent way of life (and Why You might Too!)

27 inspiring pictures That will inspire You To ended up being a digital Nomad Today

Our digital Nomad Lifestyle: Answering Your money Questions

What do you believe of the place independent lifestyle? tell us below!

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